Latitudes in Transit
A collective sample of Mexican women artists
June 18th to 30th, 2009
Jogja National Museum
Jl. Amri Yahya No. 1, Yogyakarta
Ambassador of Mexico H.E. Melba Pria (left) and KPH. Wironegoro (Executive Director of Jogja National Museum).
Explaining artworks enthusiastically.
What is it, shining brightly...?
'Descanso con globo' (Rest with balloon) by Monica Castillo.
Infront of nice untitle artwork by Alicia Paz.
'Retrato como un desierto' (Portrait as dessert) by Magali Lara.
No title artwork by Maribel Portela.
Smiling happily infront of untitled artwork by Betsabe Romero.